
Mi’kmaq Judge
Charlottown Judge
Prince Edward Island Judge
Halifax Judge
Nova Scotia Judge
Fredericton Judge
New Brunswick Judge

The Court of Justice is responsible for protecting and upholding the Acadia Treaty.

Jared Diamond: Guns Germs and Steel part 1
Jared Diamond: Guns Germs and Steel part 2
Jared Diamond: Guns Germs and Steel part 3
Social Progress Index

Mi’kmaq Judge

This is currently being worked on and will be completed in the near future.

Charlottown Judge

This is currently being worked on and will be completed in the near future.

Prince Edward Island Judge

This is currently being worked on and will be completed in the near future.

Halifax Judge

This is currently being worked on and will be completed in the near future.

Nova Scotia Judge

This is currently being worked on and will be completed in the near future.

Fredericton Judge

This is currently being worked on and will be completed in the near future.

New Brunswick Judge

This is currently being worked on and will be completed in the near future.